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Message from Alpha Centauri

Posted: 03 Feb 2018, 18:06
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Re: Message from Alpha Centauri

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 14:26
by alexbach
alpha centauri is a dr who character
when she was revived during the final capaldi season , still voiced by ysanne churchman
92 bless her, she had one of the highest profile deaths in british soaps as grace archer
can I emphasise that in real life ms churchman has two eyes, not just the one

Re: Message from Alpha Centauri

Posted: 13 Feb 2018, 22:54
by Golf Delta
Here's another message from Alpha Centauri...

Der Geist der Liebe
erfüllt den Kosmos
und der das All zusammenhält
kennt jeden Laut
Der Geist steht auf
und seine Feinde zerstieben
und die ihn hassen
fliehen vor seinem Angesicht
Sende aus deinen Geist
und Leben entsteht
und also...
Komm, Geist, und erfülle die Herzen deiner Menschen
und entzünde in jedem das Feuer deines ewigen Lebens

(The spirit of love
fulfills the cosmos
and that holds the universe together
knows every sound
The spirit stands up
and destroyed his enemies
and who hate him
flee before his face
Send out your spirit
and life arises
and so...
Come, spirit, and fill the hearts of your people
and light the fire of your eternal life in each one)

You can hear it here at 18:00 -

Re: Message from Alpha Centauri

Posted: 14 Feb 2018, 20:12
The Guardians at Alpha Centauri really do like Tangerine Dream
Very relaxing
Thank you Barnetians, much appreciated
We wish you all well in your unfortunate circumstances
Keep The Faith
Message Ends

Re: Message from Alpha Centauri

Posted: 14 Feb 2018, 20:27
by Golf Delta
STAVROS wrote:The Guardians at Alpha Centauri really do like Tangerine Dream
Very relaxing
Thank you Barnetians, much appreciated
We wish you all well in your unfortunate circumstances
Keep The Faith
Message Ends