Scoreboard is more of a TV! It’s extremely impressive. Currently showing highlights, club shop looking good, little expensive as expected but stock is very smart! Real feel good factor around the place!
As I understand it, the screen in the main stand will come on line this week, both screens need to be synced in order to operate together. I thought the other screen looked very impressive - top work there
Scoreboard looks great, flashier than I'd have expected. Hope it doesn't break too easily or is not too expensive to repair. Fair play to TK, he got himself a good Black Friday deal it seems!
The scoreboard looks great! I particularly liked how it presented the line-up, as mentioned already it would be good if it showed the subs. Hopefully it will show HT/FT highlights and some good fan-based entertainment. For example, things that I've seen at other stadiums that work well are fans being interviewed before the game, predicting the score, or having a kid read out the line-up.
Does anyone know how us fans in the East Stand can get into the club shop before or after the game?!