The legend returns.

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Re: The legend returns.

Post: # 368180Post Reckless »

Just an update. Nicky and his wife Debs were overwhelmed and rather humbled with the welcome they received yesterday, he said he must have had dozens of selfies.
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Re: The legend returns.

Post: # 368186Post MCB »

I'm not letting it go unmentioned that another legend, David Howells was also present yesterday - was their some kind of a reunion going on yesterday?
John Hunt
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Re: The legend returns.

Post: # 368210Post John Hunt »

Great pics. I wish this could happen more often.

I like it that they are in and amongst our fans and not there officially but would be nice if that sometimes happened too

Also if their presence is known an announcement welcoming them over the tannoy with a mention and picture on the scoreboard.
FCBFCSA Manager / Former committee member of BFCSA and BFCSA1926
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