Feedback required please.
Moderators: miguelito, petersperoni
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Sorry for the delay in replying but I've been away for the weekend.
Thanks for more feedback, all of which will be discussed at our next meeting and put forward to the club if we feel it's within our remit (more on that by the end of the week, still some input from my colleagues to come). Whatever the outcome we'll let you know.
Thanks for more feedback, all of which will be discussed at our next meeting and put forward to the club if we feel it's within our remit (more on that by the end of the week, still some input from my colleagues to come). Whatever the outcome we'll let you know.
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Just to let you know I have an appointment with the Chairman tomorrow evening and every query (whether or not we feel it's part of what we are doing) have been collated and will be put to him. Any feedback from the Chairman will be posted on here. Thanks for submitting them and let's have more please.
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Following a meeting with the Chairman last week the items listed below (and as presented to TK) were discussed and the conclusions of are at the foot of each question in Italic type. Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you. Just not enough hours in the day at the moment!
Cars and parking
from BarnetSteve
Exiting after the game.
Road signs as to whether both lanes can be used to exit and stopping people walking up the side with no pavement.
It may be the shuttle bus pick up point is on the wrong side and is contributing to this. The club will look at this and see how – or if – things can be improved. (My view - no matter wherever you are in the world people, don’t always follow directions, even for their own safety – not an excuse, just fact.
from BarnetSteve
Parking outside the Camrose avenue exit.
Can parking on Camrose Avenue be restricted with cones like at Underhill so parking isn’t a nuisance while the game is being played.
This is on the public highway, an area the club has no jurisdiction. This would also affect local residents to their detriment and the club has no desire to upset them.
from Hoofer2
The car park situation needs to be improved greatly to separate supporters from cars.
Supporters traipse through the car park, in front of cars without looking expecting the drivers to take responsibility for their personal safety. This is an accident waiting to happen.
See below next item
from Moonchild Bee
But a very valid point has been raised regarding access to the turnstiles via the car park. Quite simply it is not safe, and an accident WILL happen. I've seen several near scrapes from kids jumping in front of cars. Something needs to be done (along the lines of an access route via the back of the South Stand), or a markway (a la the 02 centre in Finchley Road). The additional car parking vs the inevitable serious injury due to lack of pedestrian access is not a suitable trade off.
Firstly TK pointed out there was a yellow hatched walkway in the car park immediately against the fence which was intended for pedestrian use. When it was pointed out drivers often reverse their cars into the space and all the way to the fence he was surprised this wasn’t steward supervised. This will be looked at.
(Comments from me - I have to say, if I’m going back to reception or the main bar I stay inside the ground and walk along the pathway immediately behind the south goal, totally avoiding the car park. 100% safe and leave by the east turnstiles. The problem arises from people leaving the Hive on foot and from people walking back to their cars parked in the car park who naturally have to cross in front of exiting cars. But isn’t this what always happens everywhere when parking in a car park and everyone leaving at the same time? Just how you stop it I haven’t got a clue but personal responsibility just has to play a major part in it - from both pedestrians and drivers)
Q&A’s with club
from BarnetSteve
Can TK do an update on lease, hive development and future of the club with a Q&A
See below next item
from Mikel Bee
Can we have another chairman's Q&A or even a face to face Q&A session with TK and/or the manager like we used to in the early 00's?
The Chairman is aware of the need to hold a Q&A. It’s something he feels the supporters deserve. He is also aware the supporters need to be updated on what is happening at the club (not playing side, but the rest). It will happen but unsure as to when at present.
Barnet Player
from Mikel Bee
An improvement to the sound quality of commentaries on Barnet Player and the video quality of the highlights would be very welcome. As it stands I'm finding it hard to justify the cost of the subscription.
Last season’s away games were a problem because quite a few clubs didn’t have the right facilities as League 2 clubs have. Were the problems mainly home or away? Where possible it would be helpful if poor quality transmissions were reported to the club as they happen or shortly after for the club to try to discover the reason. It has to be said though there are very few subscribers to the service.
Improving attendance
from Hive Occupier
What is the club planning to do to try to increase home game attendances from people in both Harrow and Barnet What can we do as supporters to help - and how can the club facilitate this help ?
You won’t be surprised this is an ongoing discussion.
Half time entertainment
from Hiveoccupier
Can anything be done to improve half time entertainment - while I'm sure the participants might enjoy it, the sight of small children running across the pitch has only limited appeal and maybe things could be mixed up once in a while (perhaps a benchmarking exercise with other clubs might be worth while). If I was being really ambitious I might even suggest they look at pre and post match entertainment as well. Wouldn't it would be great if once in a while the Club hosted a concert, fireworks party or similar after a home match in the way they do at the likes of Newmarket Races.
The club have looked at this time and time again and as yet hasn’t really been able to find anything suitable for all ages and both sexes. Amongst other things they’ve considered cheerleaders but didn’t feel them suitable and many other things which would have only a limited appeal. (My comments- don’t forget pre-match the pitch is watered, maintained and watered again at half time and also after the match as well as preparing the pitch for a possible event the following day. The other things you mention would take time to set up immediately after a match so would people stay? Doesn’t Newmarket racecourse have an inner area where things can be set up in advance? Logistically it all sounds difficult to me – but what do I know?)
Catering kiosks
from Hiveoccupier
Could the club have another look at the offering of the catering kiosk(s) on the South Terrace. What is being sold tends to be unappetising of poor quality and seems to take a long time to get served. Some simple, fast to serve, appetising products would be very welcome (did I hear crusty cheese or ham rolls anyone ?)
TK asked just what was so unappetising – all of it? Could you please be more precise with examples.
Ground improvements
from Hiveoccupier
.Can they do something. or allow the supporters to do something, to bring about more colour to the colour scheme of the stadium - while the South, North and East Stands look new they also look dull. They need more character.
The Chairman basically said –watch this space!
Customer Charter
from Hiveoccupier
. As a League member the club has to produce and publish a "Customer Charter" - has this been prepared and what opportunity is there going to be for supporters to have an input to what it includes?
The Chairman acknowledged receipt
Club‘s Supporter Liaison Officer
from Hiveoccupier
similarly it as League requirement that the Club has a Supporter Liaison Officer - does the club know who this will be and how supporters can contact the person concerned.
Player of the Year event
from Hiveoccupier
Player of the season awards - any chance of getting this in the diary at the start of the season and making it an aspirational event that is something that every supporter
wants to go to.
TK acknowledged this and accepts this needs to be addressed.
Away Coach Travel
from Hiveoccupier
Away travel - does the Club have any views or intentions about how the "20s plenty" initiative might be developed and implemented at League 2 level - the principle of the initiative being that individual clubs agree with each other to offer reciprocal reduced admission prices for away fans to make it more affordable for fans to follow their club away. e.g. If we had an arrangement with Mansfield where our travelling fans using away coaches were charged £10 for the game at Field Mill and theirs were charged £10 for the game at the Hive it should encourage better use of supporters coaches, a bigger away following, and better atmosphere.
Since the meeting there has been further discussion on this but conclusions have yet to be reached. As soon as a plan is definite we will let you know the situation.
from Hoofer2
When is the kids Buzz Club going to start? My children were very excited about this prospect when memberships were first announced and still ask me is it going to happen. At the very least having a membership card / pack - maybe having an area at the Hive that could be reserved for the Buzz Club on match days (I used to love the Junior Bee hut back in '80s) as a focal point...
The Chairman acknowledged this and I could see he immediately started thinking about it! We’ll keep tabs on this and see what can be done.
from Hoofer2
One more point regarding membership. With no games from May until July surely some arrangement must be made to reduce the monthly fee e.g. for West Stand Premium you pay for two full months with no prospect of matches. I know we have the option to cancel and rejoin again and be hit with yet another re-joining fee, then this has to be looked at.
The Chairman acknowledged receipt and did mention not to forget the well stated benefits including free entry to pre-season matches. We’ll keep tabs on this as well.
(Personally I agree BarnetSteve’s comments – “Not sure I want my membership to be higher for 10 months so it can be cheaper the other 2. I'd rather it stayed as is”.
Beer/Lager drinking
from Moonchild bee
Let's talk and pouring techniques. This could be substantial, when you need it by? (I commented we had discussed pre-poured drinks at half time and also suggested larger glasses)
Thanks Peter, that's basically it, the poor, frustrating organisation when a rush is inevitable. Just need to look at how well 4 people can run the beer taps at other venues (2 taking money, 2 pouring) - even if there is a dedicated (maybe the new away bar which I presume will become part of the home bar?) - that only sells draught beer & soft drinks in bottles.
Can you guys (I don’t partake at games) keep an eye on things please and let us know if things improve or not.
Ladies toilet in Grazioli’s
from Barnetpete
Apparently the ladies loo in Grazioli's needs a mirror. There is a good one in the old Pav made by the lady who mentioned it to me, maybe it or another could appear in the ladies Loo. Apparently there is lippy to apply and hair to brush!
TK is aware of this and will arrange for something to be installed.
TK thanks those who have provided feedback – it’s really appreciated by the club. He did say though, considering how relatively few criticisms have been made, they can’t be doing too bad a job – not that that will stop them from trying to improve. I did though point out the feedback was from OnlyBarnet only as we have yet to set up other forms of media communication.
What TK has asked for is if you possibly can please be more specific in your comments (as has been asked for in a couple of replies above for example). This would greatly assist in trying to find out where any problem stems from and potentially easier to sort out. (I would also suggest if you could include proposals for sensible solutions if at all possible, these may well be looked at)
Please also don’t forget that any money spent is money taken away from the playing budget.
Thanks from us as well and we will continue to try to get answers to the unfinished replies.
Keep ‘em coming!!
Cars and parking
from BarnetSteve
Exiting after the game.
Road signs as to whether both lanes can be used to exit and stopping people walking up the side with no pavement.
It may be the shuttle bus pick up point is on the wrong side and is contributing to this. The club will look at this and see how – or if – things can be improved. (My view - no matter wherever you are in the world people, don’t always follow directions, even for their own safety – not an excuse, just fact.
from BarnetSteve
Parking outside the Camrose avenue exit.
Can parking on Camrose Avenue be restricted with cones like at Underhill so parking isn’t a nuisance while the game is being played.
This is on the public highway, an area the club has no jurisdiction. This would also affect local residents to their detriment and the club has no desire to upset them.
from Hoofer2
The car park situation needs to be improved greatly to separate supporters from cars.
Supporters traipse through the car park, in front of cars without looking expecting the drivers to take responsibility for their personal safety. This is an accident waiting to happen.
See below next item
from Moonchild Bee
But a very valid point has been raised regarding access to the turnstiles via the car park. Quite simply it is not safe, and an accident WILL happen. I've seen several near scrapes from kids jumping in front of cars. Something needs to be done (along the lines of an access route via the back of the South Stand), or a markway (a la the 02 centre in Finchley Road). The additional car parking vs the inevitable serious injury due to lack of pedestrian access is not a suitable trade off.
Firstly TK pointed out there was a yellow hatched walkway in the car park immediately against the fence which was intended for pedestrian use. When it was pointed out drivers often reverse their cars into the space and all the way to the fence he was surprised this wasn’t steward supervised. This will be looked at.
(Comments from me - I have to say, if I’m going back to reception or the main bar I stay inside the ground and walk along the pathway immediately behind the south goal, totally avoiding the car park. 100% safe and leave by the east turnstiles. The problem arises from people leaving the Hive on foot and from people walking back to their cars parked in the car park who naturally have to cross in front of exiting cars. But isn’t this what always happens everywhere when parking in a car park and everyone leaving at the same time? Just how you stop it I haven’t got a clue but personal responsibility just has to play a major part in it - from both pedestrians and drivers)
Q&A’s with club
from BarnetSteve
Can TK do an update on lease, hive development and future of the club with a Q&A
See below next item
from Mikel Bee
Can we have another chairman's Q&A or even a face to face Q&A session with TK and/or the manager like we used to in the early 00's?
The Chairman is aware of the need to hold a Q&A. It’s something he feels the supporters deserve. He is also aware the supporters need to be updated on what is happening at the club (not playing side, but the rest). It will happen but unsure as to when at present.
Barnet Player
from Mikel Bee
An improvement to the sound quality of commentaries on Barnet Player and the video quality of the highlights would be very welcome. As it stands I'm finding it hard to justify the cost of the subscription.
Last season’s away games were a problem because quite a few clubs didn’t have the right facilities as League 2 clubs have. Were the problems mainly home or away? Where possible it would be helpful if poor quality transmissions were reported to the club as they happen or shortly after for the club to try to discover the reason. It has to be said though there are very few subscribers to the service.
Improving attendance
from Hive Occupier
What is the club planning to do to try to increase home game attendances from people in both Harrow and Barnet What can we do as supporters to help - and how can the club facilitate this help ?
You won’t be surprised this is an ongoing discussion.
Half time entertainment
from Hiveoccupier
Can anything be done to improve half time entertainment - while I'm sure the participants might enjoy it, the sight of small children running across the pitch has only limited appeal and maybe things could be mixed up once in a while (perhaps a benchmarking exercise with other clubs might be worth while). If I was being really ambitious I might even suggest they look at pre and post match entertainment as well. Wouldn't it would be great if once in a while the Club hosted a concert, fireworks party or similar after a home match in the way they do at the likes of Newmarket Races.
The club have looked at this time and time again and as yet hasn’t really been able to find anything suitable for all ages and both sexes. Amongst other things they’ve considered cheerleaders but didn’t feel them suitable and many other things which would have only a limited appeal. (My comments- don’t forget pre-match the pitch is watered, maintained and watered again at half time and also after the match as well as preparing the pitch for a possible event the following day. The other things you mention would take time to set up immediately after a match so would people stay? Doesn’t Newmarket racecourse have an inner area where things can be set up in advance? Logistically it all sounds difficult to me – but what do I know?)
Catering kiosks
from Hiveoccupier
Could the club have another look at the offering of the catering kiosk(s) on the South Terrace. What is being sold tends to be unappetising of poor quality and seems to take a long time to get served. Some simple, fast to serve, appetising products would be very welcome (did I hear crusty cheese or ham rolls anyone ?)
TK asked just what was so unappetising – all of it? Could you please be more precise with examples.
Ground improvements
from Hiveoccupier
.Can they do something. or allow the supporters to do something, to bring about more colour to the colour scheme of the stadium - while the South, North and East Stands look new they also look dull. They need more character.
The Chairman basically said –watch this space!
Customer Charter
from Hiveoccupier
. As a League member the club has to produce and publish a "Customer Charter" - has this been prepared and what opportunity is there going to be for supporters to have an input to what it includes?
The Chairman acknowledged receipt
Club‘s Supporter Liaison Officer
from Hiveoccupier
similarly it as League requirement that the Club has a Supporter Liaison Officer - does the club know who this will be and how supporters can contact the person concerned.
Player of the Year event
from Hiveoccupier
Player of the season awards - any chance of getting this in the diary at the start of the season and making it an aspirational event that is something that every supporter
wants to go to.
TK acknowledged this and accepts this needs to be addressed.
Away Coach Travel
from Hiveoccupier
Away travel - does the Club have any views or intentions about how the "20s plenty" initiative might be developed and implemented at League 2 level - the principle of the initiative being that individual clubs agree with each other to offer reciprocal reduced admission prices for away fans to make it more affordable for fans to follow their club away. e.g. If we had an arrangement with Mansfield where our travelling fans using away coaches were charged £10 for the game at Field Mill and theirs were charged £10 for the game at the Hive it should encourage better use of supporters coaches, a bigger away following, and better atmosphere.
Since the meeting there has been further discussion on this but conclusions have yet to be reached. As soon as a plan is definite we will let you know the situation.
from Hoofer2
When is the kids Buzz Club going to start? My children were very excited about this prospect when memberships were first announced and still ask me is it going to happen. At the very least having a membership card / pack - maybe having an area at the Hive that could be reserved for the Buzz Club on match days (I used to love the Junior Bee hut back in '80s) as a focal point...
The Chairman acknowledged this and I could see he immediately started thinking about it! We’ll keep tabs on this and see what can be done.
from Hoofer2
One more point regarding membership. With no games from May until July surely some arrangement must be made to reduce the monthly fee e.g. for West Stand Premium you pay for two full months with no prospect of matches. I know we have the option to cancel and rejoin again and be hit with yet another re-joining fee, then this has to be looked at.
The Chairman acknowledged receipt and did mention not to forget the well stated benefits including free entry to pre-season matches. We’ll keep tabs on this as well.
(Personally I agree BarnetSteve’s comments – “Not sure I want my membership to be higher for 10 months so it can be cheaper the other 2. I'd rather it stayed as is”.
Beer/Lager drinking
from Moonchild bee
Let's talk and pouring techniques. This could be substantial, when you need it by? (I commented we had discussed pre-poured drinks at half time and also suggested larger glasses)
Thanks Peter, that's basically it, the poor, frustrating organisation when a rush is inevitable. Just need to look at how well 4 people can run the beer taps at other venues (2 taking money, 2 pouring) - even if there is a dedicated (maybe the new away bar which I presume will become part of the home bar?) - that only sells draught beer & soft drinks in bottles.
Can you guys (I don’t partake at games) keep an eye on things please and let us know if things improve or not.
Ladies toilet in Grazioli’s
from Barnetpete
Apparently the ladies loo in Grazioli's needs a mirror. There is a good one in the old Pav made by the lady who mentioned it to me, maybe it or another could appear in the ladies Loo. Apparently there is lippy to apply and hair to brush!
TK is aware of this and will arrange for something to be installed.
TK thanks those who have provided feedback – it’s really appreciated by the club. He did say though, considering how relatively few criticisms have been made, they can’t be doing too bad a job – not that that will stop them from trying to improve. I did though point out the feedback was from OnlyBarnet only as we have yet to set up other forms of media communication.
What TK has asked for is if you possibly can please be more specific in your comments (as has been asked for in a couple of replies above for example). This would greatly assist in trying to find out where any problem stems from and potentially easier to sort out. (I would also suggest if you could include proposals for sensible solutions if at all possible, these may well be looked at)
Please also don’t forget that any money spent is money taken away from the playing budget.
Thanks from us as well and we will continue to try to get answers to the unfinished replies.
Keep ‘em coming!!
Re: Feedback required please.
It may not be in the clubs jurisdiction but fans obstructing public roads should certainly be their concern and you would hope they might take a pro-active approach. I fail to see how it is to residents detriment but hey ho.from BarnetSteve
Parking outside the Camrose avenue exit.
Can parking on Camrose Avenue be restricted with cones like at Underhill so parking isn’t a nuisance while the game is being played.
This is on the public highway, an area the club has no jurisdiction. This would also affect local residents to their detriment and the club has no desire to upset them.
Anyway this is all irrelevant now as the Traffic And Road Safety Advisory panel meet this Wednesday and have extending the double yellows on Camrose Avenue outside the Hive on their agenda for approval. So basically the council are aware of the issue and doing something about it.
Re: Feedback required please.
I have a unique idea for half time entertainment.
Hovercraft racing : ... -Seat.aspx
Get a couple and charge fans for the opportunity to race across the pitch at half time. Paying punters enjoy the experience and the crowd are entertained by them trying to control the things.
Plus they dont harm the pitch ... rcraft.pdf
Hovercraft racing : ... -Seat.aspx
Get a couple and charge fans for the opportunity to race across the pitch at half time. Paying punters enjoy the experience and the crowd are entertained by them trying to control the things.
Plus they dont harm the pitch ... rcraft.pdf
Re: Feedback required please.
Thanks Peter - that's really great feedback, and much appreciated.petersperoni wrote: from Moonchild Bee
But a very valid point has been raised regarding access to the turnstiles via the car park. Quite simply it is not safe, and an accident WILL happen. I've seen several near scrapes from kids jumping in front of cars. Something needs to be done (along the lines of an access route via the back of the South Stand), or a markway (a la the 02 centre in Finchley Road). The additional car parking vs the inevitable serious injury due to lack of pedestrian access is not a suitable trade off.
Firstly TK pointed out there was a yellow hatched walkway in the car park immediately against the fence which was intended for pedestrian use. When it was pointed out drivers often reverse their cars into the space and all the way to the fence he was surprised this wasn’t steward supervised. This will be looked at.
(Comments from me - I have to say, if I’m going back to reception or the main bar I stay inside the ground and walk along the pathway immediately behind the south goal, totally avoiding the car park. 100% safe and leave by the east turnstiles. The problem arises from people leaving the Hive on foot and from people walking back to their cars parked in the car park who naturally have to cross in front of exiting cars. But isn’t this what always happens everywhere when parking in a car park and everyone leaving at the same time? Just how you stop it I haven’t got a clue but personal responsibility just has to play a major part in it - from both pedestrians and drivers)
Barnet Player
from Mikel Bee
An improvement to the sound quality of commentaries on Barnet Player and the video quality of the highlights would be very welcome. As it stands I'm finding it hard to justify the cost of the subscription.
Last season’s away games were a problem because quite a few clubs didn’t have the right facilities as League 2 clubs have. Were the problems mainly home or away? Where possible it would be helpful if poor quality transmissions were reported to the club as they happen or shortly after for the club to try to discover the reason. It has to be said though there are very few subscribers to the service.
Catering kiosks
from Hiveoccupier
Could the club have another look at the offering of the catering kiosk(s) on the South Terrace. What is being sold tends to be unappetising of poor quality and seems to take a long time to get served. Some simple, fast to serve, appetising products would be very welcome (did I hear crusty cheese or ham rolls anyone ?)
TK asked just what was so unappetising – all of it? Could you please be more precise with examples.
Beer/Lager drinking
from Moonchild bee
Let's talk and pouring techniques. This could be substantial, when you need it by? (I commented we had discussed pre-poured drinks at half time and also suggested larger glasses)
Thanks Peter, that's basically it, the poor, frustrating organisation when a rush is inevitable. Just need to look at how well 4 people can run the beer taps at other venues (2 taking money, 2 pouring) - even if there is a dedicated (maybe the new away bar which I presume will become part of the home bar?) - that only sells draught beer & soft drinks in bottles.
Can you guys (I don’t partake at games) keep an eye on things please and let us know if things improve or not.
Please also don’t forget that any money spent is money taken away from the playing budget.
Just to add some other comments to this -
Re: The Walkway along the fence - I go to every game via that way, and back via the East as you mention - but -
- I've never seen a walkway

And of course coming back via the east only relieves the problem in one direction. Might seem i'm being ott, but I do come with two kids normally, and it feels like it's just a matter of time. Not that i'm being critical of fellow bees driving skills...
Barnet Player -
Two things - a lot of people will have stopped subscription as we dropped into Non League as almost every game had local coverage and highlights across the board available free of charge. Also, we stopped using Karl who was great, and the final nail was the pisspoor coverage from the Hive - quality was awful. I stopped mine about a month into non-league.
So being remindful that we won't get local radio coverage in the league, and very little online coverage, this is a GREAT chance to get loads of subscribers back.
Catering & Beer!
Re: beer, I will certainly keep an eye on it. It all just seems so disorganised. If we're going to get the away bar - could that be a dedicated bottle bar? TK needs to get to the Ashes this summer to see how 4 people can serve twice the people twice as fast with proper organisation!
Re: Catering, it's so bland, so badly organised outside of the Hive Bar (where it's just badly organised). So many shortages, bad preparation (just before kick off and HT IS the rush time - be prepared). I really feel that we need to look at other clubs (perhaps if TK saw average spend at other clubs he may realise we should be doing better). I almost feel we're better off outsourcing this.
- Posts: 4490
- Joined: 02 Feb 2011, 16:59
Re: Feedback required please.
Thanks for taking these items up with TK and for the feed back Peter. A bit underwhelmed by some of the responses, but others seem very positive - what we should expect I suppose.
With regards to the questions about the catering from the tea hut on the South Terrace. The specifics from my experience are as follows:
It takes an inordinate amount of time to get served at half time because of lack of preparation and a painfully slow process for serving what is on offer and taking the money.
If one is unlucky enough to get to the front of the queue to buy something the offering seems to consist of a burger which has the texture and flavour of a piece of well worn carpet, the not very hot dog is served in a roll that would make good packaging material for a parcel despatch company, and on the rare occasion I have bothered to have a coffee it has been luke warm and distinctly lacking in actual coffee.
There is an appetising sign for a bacon roll to tempt customers to queue up but which is usually out of stock. I don't suppose I am the only one who can't be bothered with it any more.
With regards to the questions about the catering from the tea hut on the South Terrace. The specifics from my experience are as follows:
It takes an inordinate amount of time to get served at half time because of lack of preparation and a painfully slow process for serving what is on offer and taking the money.
If one is unlucky enough to get to the front of the queue to buy something the offering seems to consist of a burger which has the texture and flavour of a piece of well worn carpet, the not very hot dog is served in a roll that would make good packaging material for a parcel despatch company, and on the rare occasion I have bothered to have a coffee it has been luke warm and distinctly lacking in actual coffee.
There is an appetising sign for a bacon roll to tempt customers to queue up but which is usually out of stock. I don't suppose I am the only one who can't be bothered with it any more.
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Gentlemen, thank you. You've given exactly the feedback TK has asked for.
I do understand a new catering manager has been/will shortly be appointed.I'm going to suggest he takes a matchday trip to Kiddrminster, not to replicate (although that might not be such a bad thing, although the time taken to be served was also long) but to see what can be done with imagination. I can imagine though the lack of space in the south stand kiosks may limit what can be done.
Steve, what I was meaning was if there are restrictions in parking in Camrose Avenue on match days to stop people who are going to the game from parking there then residents would face the same restricions - or am I not understanding you? (Just in case nothing comes from Wednesday's meeting.) I'll certainly pass your half time suggestions though. Looks fun - although the cost may be a bit of a problem esoecially when insurance is taken into account (I imagine).
One question please Derek. Do they not serve the freshly made baguettes from the south stand kiosk/ As I'm in the west stand I don't use it so I don't know.
Guys, all of your comments will be fed to TK - let's see what will be done.
Thanks again
I do understand a new catering manager has been/will shortly be appointed.I'm going to suggest he takes a matchday trip to Kiddrminster, not to replicate (although that might not be such a bad thing, although the time taken to be served was also long) but to see what can be done with imagination. I can imagine though the lack of space in the south stand kiosks may limit what can be done.
Steve, what I was meaning was if there are restrictions in parking in Camrose Avenue on match days to stop people who are going to the game from parking there then residents would face the same restricions - or am I not understanding you? (Just in case nothing comes from Wednesday's meeting.) I'll certainly pass your half time suggestions though. Looks fun - although the cost may be a bit of a problem esoecially when insurance is taken into account (I imagine).
One question please Derek. Do they not serve the freshly made baguettes from the south stand kiosk/ As I'm in the west stand I don't use it so I don't know.
Guys, all of your comments will be fed to TK - let's see what will be done.
Thanks again
- Posts: 4490
- Joined: 02 Feb 2011, 16:59
Re: Feedback required please.
Peter, I haven't seen them on sale there but then again I didn't try to buy anything from the kiosk for the last few games of the season because of the queue and the previous disappointing purchases.
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Thanks Derek, it will be relayed back anyway. Things may have changed but if not then something needs to be done.
Re: Feedback required please.
Peter, thanks for posting up the responses from TK and also initiating the capture of feedback in the first place.
I think this has been a very effective way to poll feedback from supporters, consolidate into
a set of points and revert to chairman for response in such an open and transparent way.
I am very hopeful efficiency in bar / catering will improve and in terms of car park safety etc. this topic
will always be am ongoing topic.
Would it be worth repeating this say every 10/15/20 matches to gauge are any changes that been implemented effective/improvement
and to capture any additional points now we are a League 2 club with hopefully larger crowds.
I expect ongoing feedback would be beneficial rather than leave everything to out of season.
What I intended to relay in my previous comments is that I am very impressed with the staff who manage memberships / match ticketing.
Very diligent, competent and efficient.
I think this has been a very effective way to poll feedback from supporters, consolidate into
a set of points and revert to chairman for response in such an open and transparent way.
I am very hopeful efficiency in bar / catering will improve and in terms of car park safety etc. this topic
will always be am ongoing topic.
Would it be worth repeating this say every 10/15/20 matches to gauge are any changes that been implemented effective/improvement
and to capture any additional points now we are a League 2 club with hopefully larger crowds.
I expect ongoing feedback would be beneficial rather than leave everything to out of season.
What I intended to relay in my previous comments is that I am very impressed with the staff who manage memberships / match ticketing.
Very diligent, competent and efficient.
Re: Feedback required please.
Something I meant to add regarding the hatched walkway in the car park.
Even if cars didn't park on it, it would not help as the gates at the top of the stairs block the end of the path when they are open.
The parking outside on Camrose Ave was something I thought could be dealt with in the same way as Underhill with the no parking on match days using cones meaning local residents are only inconvenienced when a game is on. This hasn't happened and shortly double yellow lines will prevent parking at any time meaning residents have been inconvenienced 24/7 by our presence. Seems a shame really but I guess it's too late now anyway.
Even if cars didn't park on it, it would not help as the gates at the top of the stairs block the end of the path when they are open.
The parking outside on Camrose Ave was something I thought could be dealt with in the same way as Underhill with the no parking on match days using cones meaning local residents are only inconvenienced when a game is on. This hasn't happened and shortly double yellow lines will prevent parking at any time meaning residents have been inconvenienced 24/7 by our presence. Seems a shame really but I guess it's too late now anyway.
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Steve, I see what you mean - thanks for clearing it up for me. Perhaps, just perhaps, the double yellow lines will have a time restriction creating the same effect as the cones did at Underhill. We'll address the gates scenario at our next meeting with the club. Thanks for pointing it out.
Hoofer2, thanks for your comments. We didn't set up to be just a close season organisation but as a continuous facility and we intend doing just that, so please - all/any of you - if you notice something which really needs attention feel free to post on this part of the forum whenever it crops up. It's said the English don't complain. Perhaps not but a bit of constructive feedback should always be welcomed. However, praise when it is deserved will also be passed on.
Hoofer2, thanks for your comments. We didn't set up to be just a close season organisation but as a continuous facility and we intend doing just that, so please - all/any of you - if you notice something which really needs attention feel free to post on this part of the forum whenever it crops up. It's said the English don't complain. Perhaps not but a bit of constructive feedback should always be welcomed. However, praise when it is deserved will also be passed on.
- Posts: 333
- Joined: 24 Jan 2011, 14:12
Re: Feedback required please.
Following on from the suggestions on the Underhill Memorabilia thread can the Supporters Laison group take the suggestions forward, please.
I am particularly interested in hearing suggestions from the Club regarding those that have scattered the ashes of loved ones at Underhill.
Following the lead of other Clubs that have moved grounds would be good.
I hope the answer is not "Buyer beware" !
Following on from the suggestions on the Underhill Memorabilia thread can the Supporters Laison group take the suggestions forward, please.
I am particularly interested in hearing suggestions from the Club regarding those that have scattered the ashes of loved ones at Underhill.
Following the lead of other Clubs that have moved grounds would be good.
I hope the answer is not "Buyer beware" !
- Posts: 699
- Joined: 22 Jan 2011, 18:42
Re: Feedback required please.
Hi John,
Sorry the rhis reply has taken a few days -I'm still really busy and energy supplies are on red by the time the evening comes! (just managed to pinch a few minutes now for this)
Of course I'll put your request to the club when we next meet the Chairman.
Out of my personal interest, just what have other clubs done with the ashes of deceased supporters? Not having been in that position I haven't thought about it but now you've mentioned it it obviously needs attention. Thanks for the input.
Sorry the rhis reply has taken a few days -I'm still really busy and energy supplies are on red by the time the evening comes! (just managed to pinch a few minutes now for this)
Of course I'll put your request to the club when we next meet the Chairman.
Out of my personal interest, just what have other clubs done with the ashes of deceased supporters? Not having been in that position I haven't thought about it but now you've mentioned it it obviously needs attention. Thanks for the input.